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crystal guide

A brief guide to our favourite spiritual minerals and how they attribute to the many aspects of our lives. 

​AQUAMARINE: Taurus, Gemini, Libra, Aquarius, Pisces stone. Throat (5th) Chakra. This stone assists in spiritual advancement and progression. It is known to open a channel for clairvoyance. It aligns the physical and spiritual bodies. It allowed you to speak your highest spiritual truth. It is useful for dealing with closure on all levels and enables one to release old patterns and emotional baggage. Aquamarine promotes courage, calming for the mind and alleviates stress. It is also known to cures insomnia as well as heals sore throats, swollen glands and thyroid problems.

CHAROITE: Virgo, Scorpio, Sagittarius. Root (1st), Solar Plexus (3rd), Third Eye (6th) & Crown (7th) Chakras. This stone provides protection and healing. It purifies and cleanses one’s etheric body. It assists in dispelling negativity and deep fears. It energizes the body for healing as it is known as “the healer’s stone.” It transforms and manifests what we want to create in our lives. It alleviates stress and worry, manic depression and emotional turmoil. Charoite regulates blood pressure, supports heart functions, benefits autism and relieves exhaustion.

TURQUOISE (BLUE): Scorpio, Sagittarius, Pisces. Throat (5th) Chakra. Understanding, loyalty, wisdom, protection. This stone provides solace for the spirit and wellbeing for the body. It is a powerful energy channel. It promotes spiritual tuning and expansion. It enhances intuition, meditation and self-expression. It heals and strengthens the meridians of the body. It aids in the protection against outside influences, atmospheric pollutants and helps to clear electromagnetic smog. Wear to calm the nervous system and to prevent migraines.

TIGER’S EYE (Red/Yellow): Leo, Scorpio, Capricorn. Root (1st), Sacral (2nd), Solar Plexus (3rd) & Third Eye (6th) Chakras. This stone assists in drawing your spiritual mind to earth. It enhances psychic ability/inner vision, mental clarity, and balances the lower chakras. It aids in focusing to help accomplish your goals and clarity of intention. It supports vitality. It is known as the good-luck and protection stone. It aids mediation or any kind of negotiations. Tiger's eye is beneficial for emotional balance, fatigue, depression and reproductive organs.

AMETHYST: Aquarius, Pisces stone. Crown (7th) Chakra. This is a protective stone with high spiritual vibration. It helps with meditation, temperance and balance. It enhances metaphysical abilities, improves memory, motivation and balances emotional highs and lows. This is known as the creativity stone as it strengthens imagination and intuition. It treats psychic disturbances, stress, nervous tension, fears and anxiety. The amethyst is known to cure insomnia and brings pleasant dreams, as well as relief from headaches.

FLUORITE, BLUE: Pisces. Throat (5th) & Third Eye (6th) Chakras. All colours found in this stone affect the mind and energetic levels of being. It invokes spiritual awakening and psychic clarity and accuracy. It aids in creating clear and orderly thought and communication of one’s ideas. It is both calming and revitalising. Fluorite is effective for eye, ear, nose and throat ailments, arthritis, rheumatism, nerve-related pain and electromagnetic stress.

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