m a g a z i n e
a r t
pastel heart
​South African graffiti artist Pastel heART shares his incredible work with us.
kyle wallace
This 20 year old Film student from Cape Town shares his pen and ink magic with us.
soasig charmaillard
This French artist creates mashup sculptures of the Virgin Mary, iconic imagery and familiar franchise symbols. Hello Kitty, Mario Bros, stuffed animals and the like are transformed into these modern deities.
kelly rae burns
We are inspired and calmed by these watercolour creations.
caitlin hackett
This 20 year old Film student from Cape Town shares his pen and ink magic with us.
sarah mcneil
This 20 year old Film student from Cape Town shares his pen and ink magic with us.
angela rossi
Born and bred in Los Angeles, she is the artist behind Beat Up Creations. She is a self-taught, outsider artist that works with forgotten items creating altered antique plates.